
MyClinic.ai Tutorial

How to manage your clinic appointment

View Clinic Dashboard

View Upcoming Appointments

Save Patients Details

Chat with your patients.

View patients medical record.

How to send a queue number.

Save medical records & completed appointments

Cancel an appointment.

View a completed appointment

Issue a receipt.

Create medical certificates.

Your clinic appointment and sale summary

Appointment Dashboard

Sale Dashboard.

How to manage your operation's day and hours

Enable appointment deposit.

Edit your operation hours.

Edit your operation date.

How to manage your patients

How to add patients manually.

Search your patients.

link for patients schedules appointment

How to manage your medicine inventory

How to add medicine.

How to search medicine.

How to edit medicine.

How to issue & manage receipt

How to issue a receipt for a new patient

How to issue a receipt for an existing patient

issue a receipt for a completed appointment

How to view issued receipt.

How to search receipts by issue date.

How to create & manage medical certificates

How to create medical certificates

How to create medical certificates for non-registered patients

How to search completed medical certificates

How to create medical certificates in the appointment completed

How to view the clinic tutorial and contact support

Clinic tutorial

Contact support